Acute Coronary Syndrome in Taphanhin Crown Prince Hospital


  • Wisit Aphisitwitthaya


    The main objective of this research was to  study the epidemiology, management and outcome of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS): unstable angina, unstable angina with ST-T segment changes, Non ST segment elevation Infarction (NSTEMI), ST segment elevation myocardial Infarction (STEMI) who were admitted to Taphanhin Crown Prince Hospital by collected data of  patient with confirmed discharge diagnosis at AMI (ICD-10 codes I20-I25) during the peroid April 1, 2005  to September 30, 2006.

    Results showed 117 cases were included in study of  these patients, 51.3%  had unstable angina 5.1% had unstable  angina with ST segment changes, 34.2%  had  NSTEMI and  9.4%  had STEMI. Mean ages was 66.7 years old.  51.3% were female.Patient were treated with Aspirin, Beta blockers, ACEIs and  Statins in 97.4%, 53%, 46.1% and 50.4%  respectively .Enoxaparin was used in 80% of  NSTEMI cases. Thrombolytic therapy was  used in 53% of  STEMI cases.Mean of door to needle time was 58.5 minutes and mean of chest pain to thrombolitic time was 2 hours and 9 minutes. In-hospital mortality was 5.1% overall and 28.6% of  STEMI  cases which was higher than 18.2% of  NSTEMI cases. Total tranferal cases were 12% and 36.4% of STEMI cases which was higher than 17.5% at STEMI cases. The results of this study provide additional data concerning ACS in a rural hospital. There was high rate of both in-hospital motality and transfer, especially in STEMI and  STEMI cases. The finding suggest that there would be benefit from developing improve guidelines of ACS management and transferal systems of patients with ACS admitted in Taphanhin hospital.





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