The Workforce estimation for infectious disease pharmacotherapy pharmacist, Chaophrayayommarat Hospital, within 2029, under the Twenty-Year National Strategic Plan for Public Health (2015 – 2035)


  • Pornpen Rueangsukudom



            Background : Infectious disease pharmacist workforce is essential for antimicrobial stewardship program, under
The Rational Drug Use, Control and Prevention of Antimicrobial Resistance excellent service program.

            Objectives : This study was aimed to analyze workload and Infectious disease pharmacist manpower planning for the rational drug use, control and prevention of antimicrobial resistance policy driving, under Chaophrayayommarat hospital context.

            Method : Descriptive method of research was used to measure workforce required  in term of Full time equivalent (FTE) as a unit of measurement. The workforce requirement estimation within 2033 were analyzed based on simple linear regression equation, using 3 variables; the unit of workload, number of hours works, and quantitative of controlled-antibiotic use.

            Result : Eighty percent of full-time equivalent for infectious disease pharmacists (80%FTE) is 5.34. Twelve and twenty-four working hours per week increased outside official working hours, 3.92 and 3.16 FTE are only required for both scenarios. The 10 years projection (2033) for ID pharmacist workforce based on 2 plausible scenarios; scenarios-1 pharmacist-lead antimicrobial stewardship implementation and scenarios-2 no antimicrobial stewardship implementation, both scenarios require ID pharmacist FTE 5.7 and 7.5 FTE respectively. Strategic Planning and execution in antimicrobial stewardship increase achievement performance with reduced long term manpower expenditure.

            Conclusion : Workforce revision analysis and planning for consistent strategy and public health problem are essential for the strength and sustainable healthcare system


Keywords : Antimicrobial stewardship, Full time equivalent, Infectious Disease Pharmacist





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