The development of a national database of leprosy patients to effectively control leprosy (Lep Base)


  • Pojana Thanyakittikul




            This study aims : develop a national database of leprosy patients to be used to compile various health information for decision-making in leprosy prevention and control operations, consisting of the following data : a database of diagnosed leprosy patients, leprosy (close) contacts, patients receiving assistance and promotion of quality of life development, and leprosy drug storage. The data structure was drafted and presented to the network of relevant persons and central levels. The resolutions from the network meeting were then presented to the national database development committee, which was further linked to the Epidemiology Division database.

            The study results : Developing the database to be linked with the Epidemiology : Easily accessible to those responsible at the local level. Raj Pracha Samasai Institute can quickly and accurately verify the accuracy of the initial data. There is a triangular verification with the responsible persons at the district level and the Watch Team of the Department of Disease Control to confirm the accuracy and the responsible persons quickly. Database system’s design to access the database for managing the leprosy database is as follows: New leprosy patients, with the distribution of necessary detailed information for prevention and control of leprosy. To screening with 3 contacts groups, will be displayed as a dashboard. The results can be reported in GIS, maps and graphs. This study will be very complete and useful. Should be further developed by allowing those involved to add data and use data in the processing system of the developed leprosy database.


Keywords : leprosy database, leprosy informatics, development






Preliminary Report (รายงานเบื้องต้น)