การเปรียบเทียบอาการปวดก่อนและหลังการรักษาโรคงูสวัดด้วยวิถีหมอพื้นบ้านอิสาน ต.บ้านกู่ อ.ยางสีสุราช จ.มหาสารคาม The comparision pain between before and after Herpes treatment Zoster by folk healer wisdom Tambon Bangu Yangsrisurat District, Mahasarakham province


  • Supaporn Panyawong



This descriptive research  aims to study  comparision pain between before and after to treat Herpes Zoster by folk healer wisdom Tambon Bangu Yangsrisurat District, Mahasarakham province. Population and sample selection sampling was treated by traditional healers connection  during the months from May to December 2557, a feature based on the criteria entered (Inclusion criteria) of 11 persons. Collect data by qualitative and quantitative  include an evaluation by assessment of pain (VAS) and collected observation data. Data analysis qualitative data analysis data analysis by analyzing the content analysis quantitative data analysis is percentage

        The result show that the samples found that most female 63.60% males 36.40% Age greater than 60 years in 7 cases (63.64%), age 21-40 years 2 case (18.18%),
The occupation are farmers most cases 8 cases (72.70%), The most fire cause element 36.4%, followed by wind 27.3% rare earth 18.2% and water 18.2% Cause by winter werther 72.7 and short-Season percentage. In old age person average  90.90%, middle-age person 9.1%. In addition, the effect of Herpes Zosters found that, after Herpes Zoster treatment. Is more decreasing than before Herpes Zoster treatment.


Keywords:  comparision pain ,folk healer, Knowledge, Herpes Zoster





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