

  • Sittichai Tantipasawasin Chonburi hospital


Kratom is a plant native to Thailand and Malaysia. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia, including Africa. It is a plant in the family Mitragyna speciosa belonging to the family Rubiaceae with scientific name Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil. Wavy-edged cottages (giants, crayfish tails) and red-stemmed huts. Cottage is a medium-sized perennial plant with a stem height of about 4-16 meters, grows well in moist areas and loves moderate sun. Trang, Satun, Phatthalung, Songkhla, Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and found soil in the central region like Pathum Thani province.

The main substances found in kratom leaves are mitragynine, speciogynine, paynantheine, spectiociliatine, some of which have psychotropic effects. In ancient pharmacopoeia used fresh or dried cottage leaves. Chew, smoke or brew with water Drink to treat intestinal infections, relieve diarrhea, diarrhea The properties of kratom also help relieve muscle pain. It helps to have more endurance, helps to work longer, it would not be wrong to say that kratom is a dope, because this plant has an active effect on increasing vitality, stimulating the body to endure hard work, longer to withstand the sun, and also helps the muscles to work harder while reducing muscle aches.

Kratom leaves contain an important substance called mitragynine, which is found in up to 66% of Thai cottage leaves. Like LSD and amphetamines, CNS depressant has analgesic, psychedelic and drowsiness effects, and 7-hydroxymitragynine inhibits the pain response (antinociceptive) 13 times better than morphine. Lack of medication is not as painful as morphine, and it is easier to treat than antidepressants.

Harm and precaution If you take kratom every day for a long time, it may cause addiction and side effects. As a result
, the skin darkens to look like dry and dehydrated skin. Dry mouth, dark lips, constipation, small lumps of hard stools, insomnia, nervousness, nausea, vomiting from drunkenness, lack of strength, fatigue. When there is an addiction, then stop kratom leaves. When it is overcast and rainy, chills resemble fever. Some people who take too much medication may experience arm twitching on their own. Depressed, lethargic, not wanting to talk to anyone, not talking much, or may have an aggressive temperament at all. The body has a higher than normal temperature, coughing more, tearing, runny nose, loss of appetite. Some may have paranoid psychosis. Hallucinations. Thought someone was going to hurt me. In addition, people who eat kratom leaves without swiping off the petioles can cause intestinal cysts because the petioles and leaves of kratom cannot digest them. Therefore, the precipitate gets trapped inside the intestine, making it impossible to excrete and forms fibrosis around the cottage residue until it forms a bag, which may increase the risk of intestinal obstruction.

Author Biography

Sittichai Tantipasawasin, Chonburi hospital

chairman of oral and maxillofacial surgery department



2024-01-04 — Updated on 2024-01-14
