Infants Sleeping Arrangements during the First Year of Life, Knowledge and Practices of Caregiver toward Infants' Safety Sleeping in a Hospital, Rayong


  • Naiyapat Aeimkulvorapong Mahidol university


sudden infant death syndrome, (SIDS), safe infant sleeping environment, knowledge


The aim of this study was to undertake a descriptive study, cross sectional survey based on reply questionnaires from caregiver of infants under 1 years old at well baby clinic, Rayong Hospital in Honor of Her Royal Highness Princess. The data was collected from 1 June 2018 through 30 September 2018.The data were collected by questionnaires included 3 parts. The first part included participant demographic characteristics. The second part included sleep position, sleep location, sleep environment, risk and protective factors for sudden infant death syndrome. The third part included knowledge of caregiver for a safe infant sleeping environment. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi-square.

Of 301 caregivers, 91.7% were mother. The average age of mother was 27.85±7.51 years old. Most of the infant (80.7%) live in Rayong. The average age of infant was 4.96± 3.48 months. Most of the caregiver (99.7%) learn infant sleep practice from relative but most of the caregiver(71.7%) trust  the sleep practice data from physicians and other primary care providers . 59.4% of the caregiver placed their infants to sleep in a supine position. Infant share a room with their caregiver 98.3%, infant share a bed with their caregiver 84.8%. The knowledge of caregiver for a safe infant sleeping environment was fair (58.5%). Unsafe infant sleep position had significant relation (p<0.05) with caregiver who learn infant sleep practice from media (television, radio, social media). Unsafe sleep location had significant relation (p<0.05) with caregiver who learn infant sleep practice from media (television, radio, social media). The second and the third infant had significant relation (p<0.05) with unsafe sleep surface. Public health agency should promote safe infant sleeping environment campaign through social media and community radio because of their easy accessment.


