The Catamenial Hemoptysis from Tracheal Endometriosis: a case report


  • sopita Ngamwongwan


hemoptysis, menstruation, endometriosis, ไอเป็นเลือด, ประจำเดือน, เยื่อบุมดลูกเจริญผิดที่


A 32-year-old woman presented with non-massive hemoptysis during her first and second days of menstruation for one year. Physical examination revealed unremarkable findings. The results of platelets count and coagulogram were within normal limit. Chest X-ray showed no abnormal infiltration. Sputum acid fast bacilli stains were negative for three consecutive days. Flexible optic laryngoscopy showed normal findings. Flexible optic bronchoscopy was done on second day of her menstruation and there was a red patch at distal trachea which disappeared when repeated bronchoscopy after her menstruation was stopped for 7 days. According to her history and bronchoscopic findings, the diagnosis was catamenial hemoptysis from tracheal endometriosis. She received depot medroxyprogesterone acetate injection every 3 months. After 6 months of treatment, she stopped having hemoptysis so the treatment was discontinued. She was still doing well after 3 months follow-up visit.


Key words: hemoptysis, menstruation, endometriosis


