The Experiences on Job Characteristic for Human Resource Management of Head Nurses in Nursing Organization at Regional Hospital under the Ministry of Public Health
The objective of this phenomenological qualitative was to describe the meanings and components of job characteristic for Human Resource Management (HRM) of head nurses in nursing organization at regional hospital under the Ministry of Public Health. The informants consisted of 18 expert and experience in HRM recruited by using a snowball selection technique and in – depth interviews by individual. Data were collected from February to March 2021. The instrument was the open- ended questionnaire, developed form the job characteristic theory by Hackman & Oldham. The validity of this questionnaire was assessed by three experts and had a CVI =.91. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi, s method.
The result revealed that the informants were female 100% age between 61- 65 years old 50.00 %, graduated with a doctorate degree 61.10 %, a nursing administrators position 55.56 %, holding in the current position between 6-10 years 50 % and an academic position as an assistant profession 16.67. The meaning of job characteristic were to process or activities of head nurses in order to support effective nursing care and achieve corporate goals, motivated to work, safe and satisfied services. The job characteristic comprised of 6 components; 1) skill variety 2) task identity 3) task significance 4) autonomy 5) feedback and 6) health and safety. The finding form this research developed a new knowledge for head nurses to appropriated HRM in organization. Therefor the nursing administrators should adapted and determine for design nursing guidelines that consistent with the context of professional nurses practices at regional hospital under the Ministry of Public Health.
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