Development of Healthy Recipes from Brahmi Herbs (Bacopa monnieri) for the Elderly
Brahmi, herb, healthy food menu, sensory acceptanceAbstract
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is a brain-boosting herb that helps slow down memory loss. This research aims to develop healthy Thai food recipes from Brahmi herb for the elderly. By selecting standard recipes from 3 sources, 20 recipes were modified into healthy menus with low energy, low fat, low sodium, and low cholesterol. The nutritional value was analyzed using the INMUCAL-Nutrients (Version 4.0). It found that every menu had an energy value of ≤600 kcal, fat ≤10 g, and sodium ≤600 mg, respectively. The assessment of the sensory acceptability of healthy Thai recipes with 150 g of Brahmi added showed that thirty elderly volunteers (60-80 years old) had 6.65±0.62 scores of overall preference for food dishes with Brahmi. Taste, color, smell, and appearance scores were 7.09±0.67, 7.40±0.58, 6.97±0.74 and 7.24±0.57, respectively. Adding Brahmi to the boiled/curry and stir-fried/ fried menus made the color and appearance more palatable (p<0.05). The developed Brahmi menu was accepted by the elderly and could be used as a healthy dietary guide for the elderly.
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