A Study of the Trend of Life Expectancy of Population and Mortality Rate by District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, 2017-2021


  • Jarurat Pattanathong Prachuap Khiri Khan Provincial Public Health Office, Thailand
  • Nisit Boonnak Prachuap Khiri Khan Provincial Public Health Office, Thailand


life expectancy, life expectancy at birth, cause of death, mortality rate


The purpose of this study was to study population life expectancy and trends. The causes of death of the population of Prachuap Khiri Khan were also collected. Because the 20-year National Strategic Plan 2017-2036 in public health target Thai people to have a long and healthy life. The life expectancy at birth was aimed at 85 years and the healthy life expectancy was 75 years. Therefore, it was necessary to know the situation and develop a plan to reduce morbidity and mortality. At present, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province has not yet passed the indicators. This quantitative study calculated population life expectancy by using mid-year demographic data and number of deaths from the Health Data Center (HDC) database, Ministry of Public Health, classified by age groups. Put it into the ready-made life table of the Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University. Analysis of life expectancy trends was employed by time series method, unweight moving average technique. Finding the causes of death were searched from the Thailand vital statistics database system, Ministry of Public Health. The results of the study revealed that in the year 2017-2021, life expectancy at birth of the provincial population was 73.61, 73.54, 73.48, 73.76 and 73.03 years, respectively, which was lower than the national level. The results of the trend analysis of average life expectancy in the years 2022-2026 were 73.42, 73.40, 73.28, 73.37 and 73.35 years, respectively. The overall trend was decreasing. While the death rate in 2017-2021 increased continuously every year equal to 643.7, 649.5, 677.6, 671.1 and 740.9 per 100,000 population, respectively. The top 10 main causes in 2021 were cancer, pneumonia, bloodstream infections, cerebrovascular, ischemic heart, land transport accidents, neuropathy, corona virus infection, reproductive and urinary tract diseases, and diabetes, respectively. From the data it shows that if without urgent measures to solve the problem. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province will not have the opportunity to achieve population longevity goals set in the 20-year public health strategic development plan. This study presents the conclusions from a brainstorming meeting to develop ways to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate from the top 5 causes of death, with staff from every district and teams leading from every health service system. The work development plan has been used as a guideline for the district level in preparing a work development plan in the area to reduce morbidity and death from the major causes.


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How to Cite

พัฒน์ทอง จ., & บุญนาค น. (2023). A Study of the Trend of Life Expectancy of Population and Mortality Rate by District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, 2017-2021. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 32(1), 43–52. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/13290



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)