Evaluation of the First 1,000 Days Miracles Program in Queen Sirikit Health Center 3 Public Health Region


  • Udomsak Kaewbangkurt Region Health Promotion 3 Nakhonsawan, Thailand
  • Kamonkan Khumchoo Region Health Promotion 3 Nakhonsawan, Thailand


evaluation, the first 1,000 days miracles program, Queen Sirikit Health Center


This mixed-methods study aimed to evaluate the first 1,000 Days Miracles program in the Queen Sirikit Health Centers in the Public Health Region 3. Simple random sampling was utilized to select the study sites which included the Queen Sirikit health center in Bannongben, Nakhon Sawan Province, and Bantraitrueng, Kamphaeng Phet Province. The data were collected from 40 participants, with 20 participants from child and family care team (CFT) members from each center. Research tools included the CIPP evaluation model-based focus group discussions and project satisfaction survey forms verified by qualified experts. The project satisfaction survey forms content validity index of item-objective congruence (IOC) was 0.7-1.0. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was utilized to evaluate reliability, and the results was 0.87. Data were collected at the beginning of May 2022 and evaluated using the group conversation. Qualitative data analysis employed content analysis, while quantitative data analysis used descriptive statistics. The results showed that: (1) context: the first 1,000 Days Miracles Program project responded to the target audiences, and the success factor in the operation was that the child & family care team realized the importance of health promotion for pregnant women and early childhood children. (2) Inputs: there were not enough varied network partners in the Child & Family Care Team Working Group, and the budget was insufficient. (3) Process: village health volunteers and local administrative bodies at the area level played an important role in the operation. (4) Product: the operating system for health promotion of pregnant women and early childhood children were developed. Moreover, the child & family care team working group’s satisfaction level with the project was high (Mean=4.1, SD=0.1). According to the findings of this study, there should be a community health development strategy and a network of collaborators in the child & family care team to promote the program. A development plan for community health volunteers should be developed to improve their knowledge of maternal and child health.


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How to Cite

แก้วบังเกิด อ., & คุ้มชู ก. (2023). Evaluation of the First 1,000 Days Miracles Program in Queen Sirikit Health Center 3 Public Health Region. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 32(Supplement 2), S275-S287. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/14447



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)