Model Development for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Infection by Using Tambon Statute Constitution, Tambon Tum Sub-District, Si Rattana District, Sisaket Province
model development, district health constitution, coronavirus disease 2019Abstract
The goal of this action research was to develop a model for the prevention and control of coronavirus infection by using the Tambon Statute constitution at Tum Sub-district, Si Ratana District, Sisaket Province. The model was developed through the utilization of a sample group of 60 stakeholders and 71 people from the Sub-district. The action research model (PAOR) developed by Kemmis and McTaggart was employed in this investigation. Four steps were included: Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting in three cycles. In order to examine the mean difference of scores before and after, the data were collected, categorized, and content-analyzed. The study findings indicated that the 2C2I3SKRB model incoporated in the Tambon Statute constitution was the most effective method for preventing and controlling coronavirus disease 2019. It included (1) community-based and resource-based component: research background, culture, beliefs, official leaders, and natural leaders and community assets, (2) coordination and networking: encourage involvement of networking and coordination, (3) integrated advocacy: coordinated assistance from all local departments, (4) implementation and evaluation: promoting evaluation activities, (5) organization & policy: formation of an operations committee and a defined set of roles and responsibilities, (6) social awareness: increase understanding, (7) social and legal indicators: create laws based on social, historical, and philosophical considerations, which was the Constitution for Sub-District Health, (8) knowledge-based: sharing and disseminating information about the illness state-of-the-art solutions for the people, healthy community centers, information access, and fake news management as well as formation of knowledge through local customs, beliefs, and culture, (9) revision and integration: adapting the sub-district statute constitution to the local environment, and (10) brainstorming: employing the process involving community engagement to reach a consensus. The findings of this model development experimentation indicated that the scores on knowledge, intention, group culture, self-efficacy perceptions and behavior in the prevention and control of the coronavirus disease 2019 were higher than those before the experiment (p<0.05). Therefore, the model could be used effectively to solve problems in the prevention and control of the coronavirus disease 2019 according to the intended objectives.
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