Health Care Service Model of Hypertention Patients : Nang Buat Subdistrict, Doem Bang Nang Buat District, Suphan Buri Province


  • Supatta Intarasak Department of Health Center Community Nang Buat Subdistrict, Suphan Buri


health care service model, self care, hypertension


Eventhough hypertension is a chronic disease, with a requirement of continuous and proper care its control becomes possible. This quasi-experimental research was aimed at examining the health care service model of hypertension patients in Nang Buat district, Doem Bang Nang Buat subdistrict, Suphan Buri Province. Based on an inclusion criteria, the subjects were selected and were assigned to an experimental group of 40 subjects receiving the developed health care service at Nang Buat subdistrict and a comparison group of 40 subjects at Tung klee Subdistrict. The instruments for the study included a health care service model using Deming’s cycle. : plan, do, check,and act (PDCA) for 12 weeks and the questionnaire on self -care efficacy with a reliability of 0.92. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square, independent t - test, and paired t - test.

The results of the research revealed that after the experiment the experimental group showed improvement in self-care as a whole in 6 aspects : food control, exercise, stress management, risk factors control, medicine taking, and an appointment for health care service than those before the experiment at 0.05 level of significance. The average score on self -care efficacy of the experimental group was higher than that of the comparison group at 0.05 significanc level. In addition, the experiment group showed blood pressure below the criterion of 140/90 mmHg.


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How to Cite

Intarasak, S. (2018). Health Care Service Model of Hypertention Patients : Nang Buat Subdistrict, Doem Bang Nang Buat District, Suphan Buri Province. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 18(4), 606–615. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)