Inquinal Hernia in Pathum Thani Hospital-ไส้เลื่อนขาหนีบในโรงพยาบาลปทุมธานี


  • Mati Durongrittichai


           In the retrospective descriptive study, a review of 497 inquinal hernia cases undergoing inquinal hernia operation at Pathum Thani hospital during 2003-2006, was carried out. The results revealed the 26:1 ratio of male : female patients,while the ages ranged from 1 month to 87 years. The ratio of
indirect inquinal hernia: direct inquinal hernia was 26:1. “Bassini Repair” was used as surgical correction procedure in 466 cases (93.76%) while there were 6 recurrent cases (1.20%) in the 4 years. Antibiotics prophylaxis were used in 208 cases (41.85%). There were post-operative wound infections in 4 cases (0.80%) of which 3 in the 4 cases received antibiotics prophylaxis. Among 289
patients that did not received antibiotics prophylaxis one had post-operative wound infection while the group that received antibiotics prophylaxis 208 cases had post-operative wound infection in only 3 cases (1.44%). The results showed that the group of patients which received antibiotics prophylaxis had higher post-operative wound infection rate than the group of patients without. This
study suggested that antibiotics prophylaxis for inquinal hernia operation may not always be necessary and a factor in reducing post-operative wound infection.

Key words: inquinal hernia, antibiotics prophylaxis, infection rate




How to Cite

Durongrittichai, M. (2019). Inquinal Hernia in Pathum Thani Hospital-ไส้เลื่อนขาหนีบในโรงพยาบาลปทุมธานี. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 17(sup1), SI79–84. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)