Comparison of Treatment by Standard Physical Therapy with and without Radial Neural Mobilization in Cervical Spondylosis


  • Sudjai Luangpukdee Department of Physical Therapy, Ban Pong Hospital, Ratchaburi


radial neural mobilization, cervical spondylosis, physical therapy


Treatment with physical modality, hot-cold pack, massage and traction still leave cervical spondylosis patients traces of certain conditions. Some also have shoulder pain, refer pain and numbness. This quasi-experimental research, pre-post test control group design was aimed at comparison of the treatments of hot pack, ultrasound wave and c-traction with and without the radial neural mobilization, on pain, numbness, and sensitive in patients with cervical spondylosis. Sample sizes were diagnosed with cervical spondylosis (n = 40) underwent physical therapy department in Ban Pong hospitals during January - May 2012, a time / day for 5 consecutive times. Collected data based on Visual Analogue Scale, numbness level and sensitive level, were analyzed using mean, paired t-test and independent t-test, chi-square, Mann Whitney U. After 5 consecutive evaluations, the experimental group had average score of pain, numbness, and sensitive lower than that before the experiment (p <0.001) and after all the trials, the experimental group had average scores on pain, numbness, and sensitive lower than those of the control group (p <0.05, 0.05 and 0.01), respectively.


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How to Cite

Luangpukdee, S. (2017). Comparison of Treatment by Standard Physical Therapy with and without Radial Neural Mobilization in Cervical Spondylosis. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 22(1), 72–81. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)