Community management in health promotion and Environmental health


  • Piriya Wattanarungkarn Bureau of Dental Health, Department of Health
  • Surat Mongkolchaiarunya Bureau of Dental Health, Department of Health
  • Preeyanuch Buranapakdee Bureau of Dental Health, Department of Health
  • Nattawadee Manmaetee Bureau of Dental Health, Department of Health


community health management, Norm management, health promotion and environmental health


This action research aimed to; 1) evaluate the effects of the community health management process in health promotion and environmental health using the concept of Norm management, 2) study the model of the community health management in health promotion and environmental health. The study was divided into 4 phases. In phase 1, secondary data review. In phase 2, participatory development. In phase 3, implementation. In phase 4, evaluation which was divided into 2 parts; part 1 from the Health Promotion Center 1-12 reports and part 2 lessons learned from the model of community health management by purposive selecting sub-districts. The criteria for selecting sub-districts were a variety of contexts from 4 regions, 1 sub-district per region. The results showed that phase 1 people had relatively high adverse health behaviors and the roles of officers at the Sub-district Health Promoting Hospitals and Local Administrative Organizations still lacked of integration and focused on services rather than developing community capacity. Phase 2 obtained a Norm of success and a model for driving community health management. Phase 3 implemented in 147 purposive selecting sub-district from Health Promotion Center 1-12, 1-2 sub-districts from each province. Phase 4 the evaluation presented 1) the integration of the various organizations in the community was created, the work plans and projects were created with the participation of the community and stakeholders following the key activities of the Norm, as well as create 3 types of innovation in the community: process innovation, product innovation, and model innovation 2) people have changed their behavior in promoting health and environmental health; and community health management model revealed the elements to success which are participation mechanism development, people development, knowledge development, model or learning resource in the community development, family and community development, career development, and community health management with the key activities of a Norm including surveillance and screening, social measures, behavior change communication, and improvement of projects which should be done together to drive the work efficiently. The recommendations are to encourage the District Health Board to use the community health management model with the concept of Norm management in the development of health promotion and environmental health and extend the model to other sub-districts




