Implementing Iodine deficiency control policy and prevention to achieve the effective practices and risk opportunities perceiving for Iodine deficiency prevention in pregnant women Mon Pin Subdistrict, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province


  • Sirirumpai Puthornjai Health Promotion Center Region 1 Chiang Mai
  • Sopin Mokmamurn Health Promotion Centre Region 1, Chiang Mai
  • Siripa Paknapa Health Promotion Centre Region 1, Chiang Mai
  • Tippawan Bunkongrat Health Promotion Centre Region 1, Chiang Mai
  • Kidsana Jaturongratsamee Health Promotion Centre Region 1, Chiang Mai


Iodine Deficiency Prevention and Control Policy, perception of risk opportunities and behavior, pregnant women


Iodine deficiency disease directly affects pregnant women. Without iodine, babies who are born are at risk of developing disabilities or mental retardation. Educate pregnant women about the risks of iodine deficiency disease and have the right behavior Therefore, it is very important to solve the problem of iodine deficiency disease. This research uses a mixed model. Objectives are to study the implementation of policy on controlling and solving the problem of iodine deficiency disease into practice at the local level. Study the perception of risk opportunities. Behavior and relationship of perceived risk of disease and behavior as well as to study the effect of educating on prevention of iodine deficiency disease for pregnant women who came for antenatal care at MonPin Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province Data collected during August - December 2021. Phase 1 is a qualitative research. The informants were 25 people who were involved in the implementation of the policy in MonPin Sub-district. Data were collected via an in-depth 5 day interview in August 2021 with the researcher generated interview form. The results of the content analysis revealed that in 2018, MonPin Subdistrict Administrative Organization included the Iden Deficiency Disease Control Project in the 4 year local development plan. In 2019, it supported the operating budget for 1 village, and in 2020 - 2021 No budget support found But found that there was a policy driven by the Fang District Public Health Office. All sub-district health promotion hospitals Surveillance for iodine deficiency disease by randomly testing salt intake in households, restaurants, shops, schools, and giving iodized tablets to all pregnant women attending first antenatal care. Phase 2 was a quantitative and quasi-experimental research before and after 12 weeks of educating, the sample consisted of 63 pregnant women who came for antenatal care at sub-district health promoting hospitals between September and December 2021. The instruments were lesson plans and audio clips to educate. Data were collected by interviewing based on questionnaires created by the researcher and passed the validation and reliability checks coefficient Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.98. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics , Spearman Correlation , Coefficient Statistics and non-parametric statistics It was found that in the overall picture, the relationship of perception of risk of disease with iodine deficiency prevention practices of pregnant women before education. It was at a moderate level (rs=.471) after educating pregnant women about the risks and actions to prevent iodine deficiency. The amount of iodine in the urine Including choosing edible salt that contains iodine content. higher than before knowledge statistically significant at the .05 level. The results of this research revealed the problem of implementing policies into practice at the local level. There is still a lack of participation from all sectors. Consequently, pregnant women perceived risks and correct behavior at a low level. Recognize only the knowledge gained from the public health officers in the antenatal clinics of the sub-district health promoting hospitals. and audio clips in local languages from every village broadcasting tower Only prepared by the researcher. Recommendations 1) Sub-district administrative organizations at the area level. Emphasis must be placed on the implementation of the iodine deficiency disease prevention and control policy into practice with the participation of the community in earnest. 2) should be promotint pregnant women to get enough Iodine for needs of bodies by providing knowledge through local language media through easy-to-access channels in order to have knowledge, understanding, and correct perception As a result, they can act in the prevention of iodine deficiency disease.




