Guidelines and Methods in Conducting Problems Solving Research


  • Somchart Torugsa National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)


Research, Problems Solving, Integration, R2R, Research project


There are 7 levels of problems-solving research respectively: to find problems, to analyze the problems, to find solutions for problem solving, to implement a method of problems-solving, to improve problems-solving method to be sustainable, to be the model of the country in solving problems, and to solve the problems that lead to the benefit of mankind in the changing or the civilization world. The organization/department/unit director wants to do research at level 4. or higher, but staffs prefer to do only at level 1., using questionnaires of opinions, so it's just "opinions of respondents" whether it's the problems or just opinions in solving the problems of the respondents and the research team which is often never actually done. The director saw that it was not worth to invest and did not support. A guidelines and methods in conducting problems solving research, showing empirical results that can solve the problems under the existing situations, contexts, and limitations, more effective and more efficient by R2R2E is proposed with the example templates of research results and research project.

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