Effectiveness Health Literacy Program to Improve Self-care Behaviors to Preventive Colonic Cancer of Sampran Hospital


  • Vajirapol Montrivade Sampran Hospital


Health literacy program, Self-care behaviors, Colonic cancer prevention


This study is a quasi-experimental research. The objective is to study the effectiveness of the health literacy promotion program on self-care behavior to prevent colonic cancer. of personnel in Sampran Hospital The sample group consisted of 54 hospital personnel, divided into an experimental group that received the program. and a control group receiving usual care, 27 people per group, using a purposive sampling method. General data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and compare the average scores on self-care behaviors Health literacy level using Paired t-test and Independent t-test. The results of the study found that the experimental group which received a program to promote health literacy and self-care behaviors to prevent colonic cancer. There was a mean health literacy score and a mean self-care behavior score to prevent colonic cancer. Higher than before received the program and significantly higher than the control group (p< 0.05). Suggestion from the research’s result. Sampran Hospital and related health provider care should support the activities to promote behaviors to prevent colonic cancer to hospital personnel. Especially on the process of promoting health literacy program. To increase potential and ability to prevent colonic cancer.




