Nursing care for the dependent elderly with chronic illnesses using a long-term care system : A case study


  • Titinan Boontem



           Objective : To study nursing care for the elderly with chronic diseases and dependency

           Methods of study : A comparative study of 2 chronically dependent elderly people receiving care in the long-term care system in Nam Om Sub-district. Kantharalak District Sisaket Province. The study was conducted between 11 January 2020 and 30 April 2021. The instruments used in the study consisted of a data record form. Collecting data from elderly medical records interviews with the elderly and their relatives; observations; data analysis. A comparative analysis of health conditions using the Gordon Health Model. chronic disease pathology Signs and symptoms, treatment, problems and diagnoses in nursing and nursing

           Results : It was found that both elderly people with chronic illnesses were dependent and had the same nursing problems. Decreased ability to perform daily activities. The first elderly person lives in an urban community. will be ready for housing But there are problems in communication and perception from Alzheimer's disease There are 2 daughters who take care of them. The second elderly person lives in a semi-urban, semi-rural community. Communication and perception are normal. Empowerment problems because the caretaker has to work outside the home Elderly people must stay at home alone. Residential houses have not yet been built. But there are agencies in the community to help improve the house until it is in a condition that is ready to take care of the elderly. However, both elderly people needed a multidisciplinary team for home care. due to complications Including the difficulty of nursing practice is different. depending on the underlying disease Delays in Hospitalization and the readiness of the primary caregivers to take care of the elderly

           Conclusions : In nursing, the elderly with chronic diseases were dependent. Nurses need to be competent in the practice of nursing patients. Counseling, teaching, communicating with patients, caregivers and families, managing, coordinating, and having a long-term care system. with community caregivers participating including finding the cause of the complications that arise to fix bugs to prevent recurrence and has
a multi-disciplinary team to visit the house regularly To provide the elderly with safety and good quality of life as appropriate


Keywords : dependent elderly, community caregivers, long-term care system





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