การพัฒนาวิธีปฏิบัติในการป้องกันการแพร่กระจายเชื้อดื้อยาในโรงพยาบาล Prevention and Control of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms In Hospitals.


  • Tassanee Sihaboonnak



Multidrug-resistant infections in hospitals is a major problem. Affected patients treated in hospitals,  increases  length of stay,  increases in medical costs , increase mortality rate. To prevention and Control of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms In Hospitals. Therefore, doing technical action research. To prevent the spread of drug-resistant treated effectively. Conducted in June 2558- December 2558 samples consist. Patients who transfer from a provincial hospital resistant infections in 12 cases and ave all the relevant personnel 67 people. Consist of  Out Patient Department (OPD)13, . Emergency room 17,

Ward Medicine 15, Ward surgery 13, Center Chapel 6, X-ray department 3. Performed using a PAOR 4 steps. Contains the Basic Plan, Action, Observe and Reflection. The result of the development prevention and control of multidrug-resistant organisms in hospitals  found no outbreaks of antimalarial drug resistance in the patients with 12 cases hospitalized.
The study found that having such a policy. Foster understanding And better communication Enabling personnel to follow the guidelines laid down. To control the spread of resistant bacteria efficiently.

Key words:  Multidrug resistance organisms, Cross-transmission, Prevention,  Isolation precaution.





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