ศึกษา วิเคราะห์รูปแบบการบริหารจัดการการประกันสุขภาพบุคคลที่มีปัญหาสถานะและสิทธิกระทรวงสาธารณสุข An Analysis and Stud of the Model of Administration in Health Insurance for Stateless People : Ministry of Public Health


  • Kaewta Taneerat



           The Kingdom of Thailand is home to individuals without Thai nationality, or stateless people, all of whom are left without any form of health insurance. When receiving medical treatment, financial burdens are invoked, hence an issue requiring immediate administrative attention.

           This study applies the Descriptive Study format which employs the analytical assessment of 20 academic documents, 1 meeting proceeding,
3 academic journals, 1 national constitution and 1 parliament act. It also engages the use of synthesizing descriptive studies while acquiring information from 1) general data 2) information for medical treatment. 3) the obstacles found in operating From the process of examining documents in providing rights for stateless individuals, it was found that numerous were either lacking or possessing incorrect documents which do not coincide with the required set of documents in providing citizenship rights, leading to the inability to provide health security. Thus, it is mandatory that immediate health security coverage is provided as studies have shown that a lack of supervision over the issue is present. It would be beneficial to apply the analysis of statistical data in correlation of the matter. Additionally, the study has found that the rates of outpatients are still evidently low, which requires further regulations to enhance the accuracy and completeness of statistical data.




Keywords: The model of Administration in Health Insurance, Stateless People.






Original Articles (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)