The Effects of a Dynamic Warm-up and Combined with Static Self-stretching on Range of Motion Muscle Strength and Speed in Healthy Participants
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of dynamic warm-up alone and dynamic warm-up with static stretching on range of motion, muscle strength and speed. There were fifty healthy participants age 18-25 years performed two warm-up conditions dynamic warm-up alone (program 1) and dynamic warm-up with static stretching (program 2) in a counterbalanced sequence. Each protocol was preceded by 10-minute self-paced jogging, followed by a 3 x 30-m sprints. Static stretches were held for 20 seconds per muscle, repeated two times. The range of motion, muscle strength, and speed were measured pre and post of each intervention. The comparison between programs showed that right ankle dorsiflexion of a dynamic warm-up alone had an average over a dynamic warm-up with static stretching (p < 0.05). In contrast, muscle strength and speed have no significant difference. The comparison within programs found that a statistically significant increase on range of motion of both sides at hip joints in the direction of extension, abduction and muscle strength (p < 0.05). Thus, a dynamic warm-up alone could improve ankle dorsiflexion and dynamic warm-up with static stretching tended to improve range of motion, muscle strength and prevent sport injury.
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