The Factors Influencing Caring Practices for Dependent Older Adult: Mueang District Chonburi
This research is descriptive. The objective is to study the performance and factors that influence the performance of caregivers for dependent bedridden. The sample group was 134 caregivers for all dependent bedridden in Mueang Chonburi District. The instruments used for data collection were: questionnaires on internal personal factors, attitude measurements, knowledge, practice, family support, cooperation of the senior citizens and their families, support from local administrative organizations, and coordination with long-term care system providers in caring for the elderly. Data were collected between May and July 2023. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, regression analysis and multivariate quartiles were used to analyze the relationship between the primary and dependent variables. The results of the research found that the performance of caregivers of dependent elderly people was at a good level, with an average of 8.20 (SD 1.51) in the most practical areas. Exercise Average 8.55 (SD 1.49) and least practical side Excretion side Average 7.69 (SD 1.59) Factors influencing the work of caregivers for elderly people who are dependent on marital status, number of elderly care, support from families who provide care for the elderly and cooperation of the elderly and elderly families (95% CI: 0.53-11.29, 95% CI: -2.08- -0.35, 95% CI: 0.56- 2.14, 95% CI: 0.23, 1.82 and P value 0.032, 0.006, 0.001, 0.012, respectively).
From the research results The researcher has a suggestion that Administrators should proportionate the number of elderly persons assigned to care assistants. Promote empowerment to create cooperation among elderly care assistants, senior citizens, and their families, which will enable helpers who provide care for dependent elderly people to perform their work comprehensively. It meets the needs of the elderly who are dependent holistically.
Keywords : older adult caring, caring for the elderly, dependent older adult
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