The effects of gibson's empowerment theory application program of village health volunteers with promoting among the bedridden elderly PhangThiam Sub-district, PhraThongkham District, NakhonRatchasima Province.
This quasi-experimental research aimed to the effects of Gibson's empowerment theory application program of village health volunteers with promoting among the bedridden elderly Phang Thiam Sub-district, Phra Thong Kham District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The samples were divided into two groups. The experimental group consisted of 35 village health volunteers who received program of Gibson’s empowerment theory and the control group consisted of 35 village health volunteers who received regular health promoting programs by simple random sampling for 12 weeks. The instruments were program of applying Gibson's empowerment theory, questionnaire and skills assessment. Frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired samples t-test and independent samples t-test were applied to data analysis.
The results of this study were as follows:
1) After receiving the program of applying Gibson's empowerment theory the village health volunteers, there was significant improvement of “knowledge, health promoting and health prevention skills and environmental management skills” in the experimental group at 0.01 level. t – test equals 10.97, 19.84 and 8.66 respectively.
2) After receiving the program of applying Gibson's empowerment theory the village health volunteers, there was significant improvement of “knowledge, health promoting and health prevention skills and environmental management skills” in the experimental group compared to the control group at 0.01 level. t – test equals 14.94, 18.40 and 8.32 respectively.
The researcher suggest that brining this program to expand training to provide knowledge to related people, such as families and communities, to care for the elderly and is followed Continuous management of knowledge and skills to provide quality care for bedridden elderly people.
Keywords : empowerment, village health volunteers, promoting, bedridden elderly
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