The Burnout and Related factors of Officers in One Stop Crisis Center (OSCC)
Objective: To determine the prevalence of Burnout in the One Stop Crisis Center (OSCC) and identify the associated factors.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in Officers in One Stop Crisis Center (OSCC), Chonburi province. Assessment by self-report questionnaire about work problems, Resilience Quotient (RQ), and Burnout Inventory for public health officers.
Results: Of the total 62 officers, 85.48% were female, the mean age was 42.6±10.45 years, 25.81% were nurses, and 17.74% were social workers. Most officers worked in hospitals and child welfare equally. 56.45% had moderate levels of burnout, 62.9% had low levels of emotional exhaustion subscale, 61.29% had low levels of depersonalization subscale, and 79.03% had high levels of personal accomplishment subscale. Under the bachelor, not the medical professions, and overlapping duties were the significant factors associated with higher burnout levels. Contrastingly, healthy colleague relationships and high hope and morale, RQ subscale, were associated with lower burnout levels significantly. After conducting a multivariate analysis, overlapping duties and high hope and morale, RQ subscale, were still associated with burnout levels (Odd ratio 8.10 and 0.07, respectively). Furthermore, multiple work problems were associated with increased emotional exhaustion subscore and depersonalization subscore significantly. RQ in every subscale and RQ overall had an inverse relationship with the emotional exhaustion subscore and depersonalization subscore significantly.
Conclusion: Overlapping duties was an important risk factor, meanwhile hope and morale act as protective factors for burnout in OSCC’s officers. In addition, multiple work problems were associated with increased emotional exhaustion subscore and depersonalization subscore significantly.
Keywords : burnout, OSCC, work problems, resilience
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