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The Efficiency of the “Suksaiyas” Medicine Formula on Insomnia Patients.


  • Natrada Burusliam Department of Thai Traditional Medicine
  • Nitpatsorn Bunyasanti Specialist Professional Nurse


Insomnia is a common health issue that affects the quality of life, leading to cardiovascular diseases and increasing the risk of depression. Pre-Experimental Research is a one-group experimental study aimed at studying the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with insomnia and adverse reactions to the treatment. The sample group consists of patients with insomnia from the integrated medical cannabis clinic at Chonburi Hospital. A total of twenty-five people. The researchers collected sleep quality data from April 2023 to February 2024 using general information about the research participants, depression assessment (9Q), the Thai version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Suanprung Stress Test, Adverse drug reaction and Laboratory blood tests. Analyze the data using descriptive statistics and sleep quality analysis with a paired t-test and repeated measure ANOVA, setting the statistical significance level at a P-value less than 0.05. This study, it was found that patients with insomnia had an average sleep quality score (Thai-PSQI score) before and after treatment with the “Suk Sai-Yad” formula. The average Thai-PSQI scores before treatment, after 2 weeks of treatment, and after 1 month of treatment were 15.84±1.72, 13.32±4.88, and 8.64±2.80, respectively. Follow-up results after stopping the medication for 1 month showed average Thai-PSQI scores after stopping the medication at weeks 1, 2, and 3 and after stopping the medication for 1 month were 7.32±2.06, 7.44±2.24, 7.48±2.10, and 7.44±2.04, respectively (a Thai-PSQI score of 5 or less indicates good sleep quality). The comparison of sleep quality results showed that the average sleep quality scores were significantly different (p < 0.05). Laboratory blood tests before and after treatment with the “Suk Sai-Yad” formula showed average liver function (AST) values of 27.80±10.99 and 32.92±6.85, respectively, and average liver function (ALT) values of 25.00±15.22 and 34.84±10.49, respectively, which increased significantly (p < 0.05). The average glomerular filtration rate (GFR) before and after treatment was 80.16±12.53 and 81.56±12.12, respectively, with no statistical difference (p > 0.05).

Research findings indicate that patients with insomnia have improved sleep quality. The medication does not make them drowsy more easily but helps them sleep longer, increasing their sleep duration. They do not feel fatigued after waking up, and their quality of life has improved. However, the use of the “Suk Sai-Yad” medicine must be strictly and cautiously indicated, especially in elderly patients, as the herbs in the “Suk Sai-Yad” formula may affect the liver function. Therefore, regular monitoring and liver function tests are necessary, along with further research. These study results are beneficial for the development and continuation of the “Suk Sai-Yad” research. The study procedures can also be used to establish guidelines for integrated medical cannabis assessment and treatment.

Keywords : “Suk Sai-Yad” medicine formula, insomnia, Quality of sleep, Cannabis for Medical

Author Biographies

Natrada Burusliam, Department of Thai Traditional Medicine

Chonburi Hospital

Nitpatsorn Bunyasanti, Specialist Professional Nurse

Chonburi Hospital


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