The Effect of Discharge Planning for Schizophrenia Patients and Caregivers at Psychiatric Ward in Chonburi Hospital
Discharge Planning, The ability to drug administered by schizophrenia patient, Knowledge of the caregiver, The ability to care for patients of caregivers, Readmissionบทคัดย่อ
This research is quasi-experimental design, one group pre- test and post - test design. To study the effect of discharge planning for schizophrenia patients and caregivers; the ability to drug administered of patients, knowledge of the caregiver, ability to care the patients after discharge and patient readmission. The purposive sampling of sample is 30 patients with schizophrenia and 30 caregivers were admitted to the psychiatric ward during May 2018 to December 2018. The instruments used in the trial were discharged planning programs for patients and caregivers that developed by the D-METHOD and Bloom's learning concept. The instruments used to collect data were: 1) Personal data 2) The knowledge of Schizophrenia disease questionnaire (CVI=1, reliability=0.81). 3) The ability to care the patients of caregivers assessment form (CVI=1, reliability=0.87). 4) The assessment form ability to drug administered of patients. Data analysis using descriptive statistics, t-test and Wilcoxon Matched-pairs Signed rank test.
The results found that after using the discharge planning programs; the ability to drug administered by schizophrenia patients had increased statistically significant (p<.05), caregivers had a high level knowledge of Schizophrenia disease (73.3%), and increase statistically significant (p<.05), ability to care the patients of caregiver had a good level (= 22.53, S.D.=3.27) and not significantly from the target value (score 22), after discharge schizophrenia patients had not readmission within 28 days.
Summary, The discharge planning programs can be effected to increase the ability of patients for drug administration, increase for knowledge and ability to care for schizophrenia patients of caregivers. can reducing readmission rate within 28 days. Nurses should be used this program for discharge planning schizophrenia patients and caregiver before further discharge.
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