What and How in the 58th World Health Assembly - ทำอะไร อย่างไร ในการประชุมสมัชชาองค์การอนามัยโลกครั้งที่ ๕๘


  • Walaiporn Patcharanarumol


World Health Assembly, World Health Organization


           The World Health Assembly (WHA) meets in regular annual session arranged by World Health Organization (WHO). The 58th WHA was held on 16-25 May 2005. An output of WHA is resolution which is related to major health concerning in each year. Totally 34 items of resolutions were produced and officially adopted by the 58th WHA.

          Content of resolution consists of two main paragraphs, preamble and operative paragraph. Preamble paragraph shows introduction, rational and background of the health problem. Operative paragraph indicates actions for members and Director-General of WHO.

          Resolution shall be adopted by consensus of the committees under the regulation in Basic Document of WHO. Each resolution has its own process of adoption. Some resolutions may be easily adopted whereas some may face difficulties and undergoing intensive debate at times.

          The academic team of Thailand who participated in 58th WHA presumably had two major objectives. Firstly, they would present capability of the Thai team in international forum. Secondly, through active participation capacity build up of young Thai health staff would ensue. As such, certain achievement at some level of both objectives had been observed. The working process for WHA started by setting up the team, technical preparation and real life period in WHA committee. Academic content and human relationship within the Thai team and for WHO delegates are essential. Co-ordination of WHO regional office is different from region to region. For example; African countries strongly supports each others which is, by far, different from South East Asia countries. A summary of WHA must be reported to Thai executive board.

          Academic team of Thailand consisted of experienced members and newcomers. Intra-collaboration may uplift spirits and strengthen capability of the team. There are many challenges to the team; improvement of management, continuity of capacity building for WHA duty, network of experts for WHA with possibilities of being institutionalized.


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How to Cite

พัชรนฤมล ว. . (2021). What and How in the 58th World Health Assembly - ทำอะไร อย่างไร ในการประชุมสมัชชาองค์การอนามัยโลกครั้งที่ ๕๘. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 15(4), 649–57. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/10235

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