Use of Knowledge Management in Solving Health Problems in the Hospital : Part 1, Control of Nosocomial Infection - ตัวอย่างการใช้กระบวนการจัดการความรู้ในการแก้ไขปัญหาสาธารณสุขในโรงพยาบาล: ตอน 1 การควบคุมการติดเชื้อในโรงพยาบาล


  • Witaya Swaddiwudhipong Mae Sot General Hospital, Tak Province


knowledge management, endophthalmitis, control of nosocomial infection


            Proper knowledge management (KM) can be very helpful in solving health problems and improving the health service quality in the health care center. This paper presents examples of KM usefulness for control of nosocomial outbreaks of endophthalmitis. The KM processes, including knowledge identification, knowledge refinement, and knowledge sharing, were used to investigate the outbreaks. The source and/or risk factors of the infection could be identified in the outbreaks. No further disease outbreak was reported after appropriate control measures. Knowledge from these outbreak investigations was published in the international medical and public health journals for possible use by health personnel experiencing similar problems through accessible information technology

            Health personnel should be encouraged to use KM for reduction of the health problems and improvement in the health service quality.


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How to Cite

สวัสดิวุฒิพงศ์ ว. (2021). Use of Knowledge Management in Solving Health Problems in the Hospital : Part 1, Control of Nosocomial Infection - ตัวอย่างการใช้กระบวนการจัดการความรู้ในการแก้ไขปัญหาสาธารณสุขในโรงพยาบาล: ตอน 1 การควบคุมการติดเชื้อในโรงพยาบาล. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 15(5), 678–84. Retrieved from

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