Number of Occupational Therapy Sessions Influencing Improvement of Upper Extremity Functions in Stroke Patients


  • Kittikan Polngam Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute, Thailand
  • Piriyanath Munyod Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute, Thailand
  • Piyabud Ketwiriyakul Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute, Thailand
  • Pornsawan Posawang Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute, Thailand
  • Boontharik Eakkhunnatham Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute, Thailand


stroke, occupation therapy, upper extremity function


Occupational therapy plays a crucial role in promoting upper limb mobility in stroke patients, with objectives to maximize self-assistance, reduce disability, and facilitate reintegration into society. However, studies on the quantity and frequency of rehabilitation remain limited, which impacts the establishment of service boundaries, guidelines, and resource allocation. This study aimed to investigate the frequency of rehabilitation sessions affecting upper limb mobility in stroke patients. Sixty-three stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation at the Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute received therapy three times a week, with each session lasting 60 minutes, totaling 45 sessions. Patients were assessed using the Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) initially and every third session throughout the rehabilitation program. Descriptive statistics and paired t-tests (p<0.05) were conducted for data analysis. It was found that patients with mild upper limb impairment showed continuous improvement in FMA scores up to the 27th session, while those with moderate to severe impairment demonstrated improvement up to the 39th session. In conclusion, the number of rehabilitation sessions influencing upper limb mobility in stroke patients within one year of onset was found to be at least 27 sessions for mild impairment and 39 sessions for moderate to severe impairment.


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How to Cite

พลงาม ก., มูลยศ พ., เกตุวิริยะกุล ป., โพธิ์สว่าง พ., & เอกคุณธรรม บ. (2024). Number of Occupational Therapy Sessions Influencing Improvement of Upper Extremity Functions in Stroke Patients. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 33(2), 318–326. Retrieved from



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