Restoration of a Root-amputated Upper First Molar: A Case Report


  • Chanida Thamsoonthorn Institute of Dentistry, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health


furcation involvement, root amputation, root resection, tooth restoration, periodontal disease


The progress of inflammatory periodontal disease, if unabated, ultimately results in attachment loss sufficient enough to affect the furcation of multirooted teeth.  Root resection is indicated in multirooted teeth with grade II to IV furcation involvements.  The removal of a root alters the distribution of occlusal forces on the remaining roots.  Prior to restoration, qualities of root amputation must be evaluated.  Areas of concern when restoring root-amputated teeth are the decrease of occlusal forces, the development of appropriate contours for hygiene access and appropriate recall maintenance.  A 52-year-old patient with the amputated mesiobuccal root of upper left first molar is presented.  The tooth was restored with porcelain fused to metal crown.


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How to Cite

Thamsoonthorn, C. (2017). Restoration of a Root-amputated Upper First Molar: A Case Report. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 17(6), 1012–1018. Retrieved from