Situation of the Health Insurance Management System for Migrant Workers in Thailand’s Special Border Economic Zones: a Case Study of Tak Province
migrant workers, migrants, health insurance system, medical checkup, special border economic zonesAbstract
This study aimed to examine the current situation and gather recommendations for organizing a health insurance system for migrant workers in Thailand’s special border economic zones, a case study in Tak Province. In this qualitative study, we reviewed the related documents, particularly migrant worker laws and regulations, and visited various agencies in Thailand’s special border economic zones. Moreover, we conducted in-depth interviews with individuals who were responsible for recruiting migrant workers and those working in organizations that manage health insurance for migrant workers in Thailand’s special border economic zones. The results revealed that the current information systems had limitations with regard to completeness, accuracy and timeliness, making them unable to operate the health insurance system in accordance with the roles and missions of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH). There was a gap in the health insurance management system for migrant workers between the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Labor. In addition, there was a change in health insurance management during the 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak in the case of migrant workers imported under the memorandum of understanding - MOU (a group of people waiting for social security rights) and those covered by Section 64 of the Foreigners’ Working Management Emergency Decree, B.E. 2560 (2017). There were no medical examination services provided outside of hospitals, which made employers encountered the difficulty of bringing a large number of migrant workers to hospital to receive services. Furthermore, expanding health insurance coverage in border areas was limited, particularly among migrants living in remote communities. Based on the study results, it is suggested that the MOPH should improve the health insurance system for migrant workers in the relevant context. Additionally, the MOPH should propose a comprehensive health insurance law to cover all groups of migrants in the long run. This would not only support the health insurance coverage of migrant workers but also help to integrate the overall system, diversify risks, and avoid imposing long-term national cost burden.
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