A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Model of Resilience in Undergraduate Students at Universities in the Health Promotion Network during the COVID-19 Pandemic
confirmatory factor analysis, resilience, university in the health promotion network, covid-19 pandemicAbstract
This study aimed to measure the resilience, analyze the elements of their resilience and assess the construct validity of structural model of resilience elements in undergraduate students. Data were collected online by using Google form. The samples were 303 undergraduate students at universities in the health promotion network. The research tool of the study was the 20-item resilience evaluation form (Cronbach alpha coefficient=0.88). The statistical analysis included mean, standard deviation and confirmatory factory analysis (CFA). The results found most of the resilience level was normal (mean=56.71). The confirmatory factor analysis showed that resilience of subjects consisted of three components: emotional stability, encouragement, and problem solving; with all positive factors loading at significance level less than 0.01. The construct validity of the model was revealed with the indices for goodness of fit between the model and the empirical by Chi-Square=115, df=63, p=0.34, SRMR=0.01, RMSEA=0.05, CFI=0.99, AGFI=0.99, TLI=0.99.
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