A Community Participation Model in the Protection and Solutions of the Smartphone Addiction in Children at Chuen Chom Subdistrict, Chuen Chom District, Maha Sarakham Province
smartphone addiction, addiction factors, community participationAbstract
The purposes of this study were to assess children’s smartphone usage behavior, identify factors relating to smartphone addiction, and find the ways to prevent children from smartphone addiction by creating a model of community participation. It was conducted during March 2020 – January 2021 as a mixed research consisted of cross-sectional research in a sample group of 86 parents and an action research covering 36 community leaders. The research tools were questionnaires, knowledge tests, and a smartphone addiction assessment form. The qualitative data were obtained using observation and indepth interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics; and the relationship between smartphone addiction behavior and associated factors was determined by using multiple logistic regression analysis. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. It was found that 86.60% of children had smartphone addiction, and 44.19% of them used the phone 4-6 hours per day. Factors associated with children’s smartphone addiction were parental low control (5.44 times more likely to become addicted to smartphones - ORadj=5.44,95%CI=4.54-6.18, p<0.05), time of use smartphone more than 4 hours per day (3.61 times more likely to be addicted to smartphone - ORadj=3.61, 95%CI=2.96-4.46, p<0.05), low knowledge of the results of using a smartphone (3.72 times more likely to be addicted to smartphone - ORadj=3.72, 95%CI=2.83-4.75, p<0.05), and low level of attitudes towards smartphone use (4.81 times more likely to be addicted to smartphones - ORadj=4.81,95%CI=4.18-5.15, p<0.05). The model for preventing and solving problems of children addicted to smartphones was created, namely the “Choeunchom 3 Chor Model”, which has Chor. 1: appreciation, award, giving a certificate, and established a model family; Chor. 2: assist, suggest to detect negative impact of the addiction; and Chor. 3: having public policies in the communities. Upon the model implementation, there was a decline in the smartphone addiction (from 69.12% to 14.71%).
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