Preparedness of People to Support Disease Change COVID-19 as an Endemic Disease: a Pilot SubDistrict Case Study Pho Tak District Nong Khai Province
COVID-19, readiness preparation, endemic disease, participation of network partnersAbstract
This research and development study aimed to promote the readiness of the people to support the re-classification of COVID-19 to become an endemic disease. It was conducted as a 12-week pilot study in a sub-district of Pho Tak District, Nong Khai Province. There were 3 steps in the process: (1) a survey among 256 people on the readiness to understand and obtain information about COVID-19 using a set of questionnaire, (2) created and develop a guideline to prepare people in the study area with the participation of local network partners, and (3) evaluation on the results of the guideline implementation in 50 people using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and the paired t-test. The research found that (1) the knowledge of people on the understanding and receiving information COVID-19 from various sources was at a moderate level; (2) the proposed guideline on knowledge of COVID-19 prevention and proactive vaccination campaigns were promoted both in the village and at homes for bedridden patients; and (3) after implementing the preparedness guideline, it was found that the sample group had significantly higher awareness scores on the severity of COVID-19 and the nature of preparedness to support the classification of COVID-19 to become an endemic disease (p<0.05). The success was achieved through the cooperation of all related sectors for supporting and working proactively in the pilot area together until creating good cooperation with the people. It led to more vaccination boosters against COVID-19 and being able to safely live with COVID-19.
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