Prevalence and Factors Associated with Stress after Continuous Online Learning among Thaksin University Students, Phatthalung Campus, Thailand
stress, online learning, COVID-19Abstract
This research is a cross-sectional analytical study to assess the prevalence of stress and factors associated with after continuous online learning among Thaksin University students, Phatthalung Campus. The researcher calculated 385 samples with Taro Yamane formula and stored data with queries that include stress measurements related to the barriers of online learning, burnout syndrome measurements and Suanprung Stress Test-20 (SPST-20). The reliability score was 0.97, 0.98 and 0.99, respectively. They were used to analyze stress-related factors using binary logistic regression statistics. As a result, the majority of respondents were female, second-year students in the faculty of health and sports sciences, with a grade of 3.01 or higher. For the burnout syndrome study, the majority was a low level of emotion exhaustion online learning (40.8%), a low level of depersonalization (39.7%), and a decrease in reduced personal accomplishment (71.2%). For the study of stress, prevalence of stress levels was found that most students had severe stress (46.0%), followed by high stress (27.3%), and moderate stress (22.3%). When analyzing factors associated with stress from continuous online learning, it was found that content understanding factors of online learning (ORadj 1.18, 95%CI=1.07-1.31) and emotional exhaustion (ORadj 1.19, 95%CI=1.06-1.39) were statistically significantly associated with continuous online learning during COVID-19 pandemic (p<0.05).
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