E-cigarette: a Dangerous Threat Destroying Youth
E-cigarettes, harms, youth, secondhand smoke exposure, law banning the importation of electronic cigarettesAbstract
E-cigarettes are new electronic devices that deliver nicotine, an extremely addictive drug. When used, 7 out of 10 people will not be able to quit their nicotine addiction; and it is a gateway to other addictions. E-cigarettes are not effective as a harm reduction as claimed because they contain synthetic nicotine, which does not smell as bad, does not irritate the throat, and has greater and faster absorption. New nicotine products increase the amount of nicotine available to 100 times that of a cigarette. These e-cigarette products harm every system of the body, both in the short and long term. They especially harm the systems of the lungs, heart and blood vessels, and brain. E-cigarette vapors also contain more than 100 other toxic substances which are harmful to both smokers and those around them, through secondhand and thirdhand smoke exposure. There are also additional dangers that cigarettes do not have. These include causing E-cigarette or Vaping product use Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) and containing carcinogens. As they have batteries, they also explode causing injury. Although Thailand has a law banning the importation of electronic cigarettes, there is widespread smuggling, and use by the public due to online media promotion, which has focused on modern designs to appeal to teenagers indicating that the e-cigarette industry now targets children and youth who have never smoked. This targeting aggravates the e-cigarette crisis because nicotine affects the brain. The growing brain, develops from the womb of a pregnant woman to young adulthood at 25 years of age. Therefore, the most effective measure to prevent harm to young people is to block access to e-cigarettes and its addiction. One must maintain the law banning the importation of e-cigarettes which is protection at the source. There also needs to be strict law enforcement to control illegal e-cigarettes and comprehensive dissemination of correct knowledge of e-cigarette harms to all sectors of society, especially children and youth.
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