Fall Risk Factors Regarding Leg Muscle Strength and Walking Balance of The Young Elderly in Sao Thong Hin Subdistrict Municipality, Nonthaburi Province, Thailand
fall risk factor, elderly people, walking balance, leg muscle strengthAbstract
This study aimed to assess fall risk factor regarding leg muscle strength and walking balance, and to analyze a relation between the screening results of young elders who had falling risk from those factors when assessed by timed up and go test (TUGT) and by five times sit to stand test (FTSST). It was conducted in 134 young elderly volunteers aged 64.08±2.66 years in Sao Thong Hin subdistrict municipality. The fall risk factors were assessed by using TUGT and FTSST. The finding data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and tested a relation of the fall-risk screening between TUGT and FTSST by using the Chi-square test. The results showed that there were 36 people (26.9%) who had fall risk regarding leg muscle strength when assessed by FTSST, and 10 people (7.5%) who had a fall risk regarding walking balance when assessed by TUGT. Among the elderly who had fall risk, 7 (5.2%) of them were at risk in both factors when screening by FTSST and TUGT. Additionally, the screenings of falling risk by TUGT and by FTSST were significantly related, (p=0.001). In conclusion, number of the young elderly in Sao Thong Hin subdistrict municipality who had fall-risk factor regarding leg muscle strength were more than those who had fall-risk factor regarding walking balance. It was also found that a falling-risk screening by TUGT was significantly associated with those by FTSST. Therefore, the young elderly in the Sao Thong Hin subdistrict municipality should receive leg strengthening and walking balance training to promote their physical performance in order to reduce the falling risk from those factors.
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