Causes of Delays in Contracting Construction Companies in E- auction by Service Units under the Office of Public Health Permanent Secretary within the 2007 Fiscal Year


  • Suprada Rodart สำนักบริหารสาธารณสุขภูมิภาค กระทรวงสาธารณสุข


delays, contracting construction, e- auction, 4 M management, cause - effect diagram


This descriptive study was designed with an objective to study the supply process and analyse delays of service units under the Office of Public Health Permanent Secretary in contracting construction companies within the 2007 fiscal year. During April - June 2008, date collection was carried out employing spending monitoring reports of the 2007 fiscal year of the office and an interview developed by the researcher.  Purposive samples were an administrator and an official running supply subunits within each 12 of service units failing to contract construction companies in e - auctions as required. Descriptive statistics were employed in data analysis and cause - effect diagram was instrumental in analysing causes of the delays based on the principle of 4-M managemant.

The cause of delays were described under four categories.

1) Manpower Lack of skills, knowledge, and experiences in e - auction procedural rules and regulations of the Office of the Prime Minister, B.E. 2549 as well as a high turnover of personnels prevailed.

2) Materials Incomplete and changes of construction blueprints hampered bidding processes particulary in remote or risky areas. Ambiguities in directions and orders, erratic budgeting relative to formal quoted prices; and even bidding annulment due to no takers delayed the process considerably.

3) Method The e - auction bidding proved to be complicated and lack of appropriate time frame. Charges or complaints could be pressd on officials / by bidders at any step.

4) Money Budgeting was not site - specific and irrespective of actual engineering designs caused great delays and rescheduling in bidding.

It is recommended that health manpower development is badly needed in order to familiarise nationwide officials with new rules and regulations on e - auction, Evaluations on its negative impacts, preparedness, reasonable price quotation with respect to socio - economic conditions may contribute to relevant change and effective government spending in due course.


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How to Cite

Rodart, S. (2018). Causes of Delays in Contracting Construction Companies in E- auction by Service Units under the Office of Public Health Permanent Secretary within the 2007 Fiscal Year. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 17(Sup.6), SVI1783–1794. Retrieved from



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)