Relationship between EQ and Sexual Behaviors of Thai Adolescents


  • Prayuk Serisathien Mental Health Cener Region 1
  • Wacharee Ucharatna Mental Health Cener Region 1
  • Ratchawan Boonchom Mental Health Center Region 9
  • Chariya Sonpugdee Mental Health Cener Region 1


EQ, sexual behavior, adolescent


The purpose of this descriptive study was to determine relative of EQ and sexual behaviors ofThai adolescent. The samples comprised of 15,600 government students, selected by stratifiedsampling. Data were collected by questionaires, including EQ inventory (realiability 0.88), and sexbehaviors inventory (realiability 0.75). Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean,correlation coefficient, and stepwise - multiple linear regression. The results revealed that Thaimale and female adolescents had the level of EQ in under below moral. It was found that 51.7percent of male adolescents and 31.7 percent of female adolescents had the level of EQ at a lowerlevel than normal. It was reported that 39.2 percent, 19.4 percent, and 26.9 percent of male adoles-cents had the level of EQ in moral integrity, EQ in competence, and EQ in happiness at a lower levelthan normal. Also 19.4 percent, 19.5 percent, and 16.1 percent of female adolescent had the level ofEQ in moral integrity, EQ in competence, and EQ in happiness at a low level than normal. Thaimale and female adolescents had positive sexual behaviors at a lower level than normal average. Itwas found that 87.4 percent of male adolescent and 61.9 percent of female adolescent had negativesexual behaviors. While 91.3 percent,77.3 percent in social activity, and 71.9 percent had negativesexual behaviors in masterbation in 59.2 percent in social 60.0 percent, of female adolescent hadnegative sexual behaviors in masterbation, social activity and sexual intercourse 36.4 percent. EQwas positively correlated with adolescents’ sexual behaviors. EQ in motivating oneself show thestrongest correration with adolescents’ sexual behaviors. In conclusion, EQ was positively corre-lated with adolescent’ssexual behaviors in moral integrity, competence, and happiness. The studyresults will be beneficial to improve Thai adolescent’s EQ.


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How to Cite

Serisathien, P., Ucharatna, W., Boonchom, R., & Sonpugdee, C. (2018). Relationship between EQ and Sexual Behaviors of Thai Adolescents. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 17(Sup.7), SVII1973–1982. Retrieved from



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