Employees’ Health Promotion Pattern Development in Workplaces


  • Ubol Chanphet 4th Regional Health Promotion Center Ratchaburi


pattern development, health promotion, workplace


This descriptive research was designed to evaluate health promotion pattern development in workplaces via employee leaders’ participation and employee health leaders’ achievement in 2 sessions of action conference for 3 days in 2011. The sample group was 34 employee leaders from 19 companies in Samut Sakhon Province. Data was collected via healthy behavior evaluation form, physical competency evaluation form, on-activity observation report and performance report documents.

It was found that the workplaces employed the following processes of health promotion pattern development : (1) development of employee leaders’ competency by giving knowledge on health promotion, sharing experiences on health promotion in workplace, setting activity pattern via group’s participation, and finding buddies to do activity by choice; (2) undertaking the designated activity for not less than 3 months; and (3) conclusion on the operation and select “model health promotion workplace buddies.” Results showed 9 buddies and 9 projects yet 2 were cancelled due to employee transfer/resignation. The best workplace buddy was awarded for work-stress reduction project. Health achievement showed the sample group with improved muscle strength scoring better on health behavior on average yet showing increasing obesity.

Therefore, the 4th Regional Health Promotion Center Ratchaburi should increase the operation period to 6 months and up in order to assess the full operation more clearly. Also it should study the knowledge, attitudes and realizations about health promotion and healthy behaviors among the employee leaders in order to develop the health promotion protocol in the workplace more effectively.


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How to Cite

Chanphet, U. (2017). Employees’ Health Promotion Pattern Development in Workplaces. Journal of Health Science of Thailand, 22(2), 346–357. Retrieved from https://thaidj.org/index.php/JHS/article/view/847



Original Article (นิพนธ์ต้นฉบับ)