Effectiveness of Elderly Behavioral Modification Program at Ban Tak Hospital, Thailand-ประสิทธิผลการใช้โปรแกรมปรับเปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมสุขภาพผู้สูงอายุ โรงพยาบาลบ้านตาก
The Elderly Behavioral Modification Program (Bantak program) has been implemented in Elderly care clinic of Ban Tak hospital, Tak province since 2005 with the objectives of providing health education and strengthening their health behavioral change. This participatory action research was to study the effectiveness of Bantak program in Bantak hospital during 2005-2007 with
4 stages study; situation analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation. The program was established by using primary health care, integrated and comprehensive care, multidisciplinary team and contextual relevance in order to enhance knowledge, skill, attitude to induce elderly behavioral change (KSAB Model). The quantitative data were collected from 200 elderly persons who joined this program by structured questionnaires with using percentage, McNemar test to analyze both pre and post data. By interviewing both elderly person and staffs and knowledge sharing in sample group qualitative data were collected and analysis was made by content analysis.
The findings revealed improvements of health behavior and health outcomes of the samples with significant difference (p<0.05) comparing between pre and post Ban Tak were observed interms of programming by smoking, urinary tract problems, insomnia, constipation, depression, inappropriate food consumption, body mass index and increasing peak expiratory flow rate and systolic blood pressure.
In actual implementation, Ban Tak program with substantial cooperation of multidisciplinary staff contributed to improvements of knowledge, skill, attitude, behavior and health outcomes. A health behavioral modification model called KSAB Model has been collectively formulated based on this concept. Replication can only be made in other hospital only when appropriate program
setting and its context are taken into account in parallel with thorough grasp of the concepts and integration of holistic primary health care processes. The future Ban Tak program needs to address optimal methods to tackle the problems, increase community participation and have long term evaluation
with cost-effectiveness analysis.
Key words: elderly, health behavioral modification, aged care