The Model Development of Emergency Aeromedical Transport of Critically Ill Patients in Tak Province
development, management model, emergency transport of critically ill patients, aircraft, Tak ProvinceAbstract
This study aimed to develop the management model of emergency aeromedical transport of critically ill patients in Tak Province.The study included (1) analyzing the situation of emergency aeromedical transport of critically ill patients in 2018-2019 and reviewing the related literature, (2) developing the management model of emergency aeromedical transport of critically ill patients through the participatory interactive workshop, and (3) evaluating this management model by expert judgment, testing and assessing this model. Results: A total of 13 critically ill patients received emergency aeromedical transport during 2018–2019 (7 cases in 2018 and 6 in 2019) in Tak Province. The majority of them (84.6%) were in the western districts and all cases had level 1 severity. Eight cases (61.5%) had primary mission of aeromedical transport at the incident sites. It was found that the incident reporting and command center did not have enough personnel, including poor experience in request for the transport among new personnel. Lack of vehicles to transport the patients to the aircraft was identified. Coordination for case notification and transport between the provincial and central command centers was not effective. Aeromedical transport of critically ill patients in 2018 required contact of many agencies. The model development of aeromedical transport in the province consisted of plan, do, check and action. In each step, pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight were addressed. The developed model was overall at the high level by expert evaluators. After applying the model, the duration between the request for aeromedical transport and lifting of the aircraft significantly reduced when compared with that before the model. The survival rate of the patients within 72 hours also significantly increased after applying the model. This management model of emergency aeromedical transport of critically ill patients developed in Tak Province can reduce coordination time and mortality of the patients.
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