Development the Model of Student Leaders Participation in Prevention and Control of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: A Case Study of Hatyai District, Songkhla Province
participation, student leaders, dengue hemorrhagic fever, prevention and control of diseaseAbstract
This developmental research aimed to determine knowledge and attitude, develop model and examine effectiveness of the model of student leaders participation in the prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever: a case study of the Hatyai Distric, Songkhla Province. The study was devided into 3 phases. Phase 1: analysis and synthesis of a model, samples were recruited using random sampling with replacement, 427 student leaders or student representatives of 95 schools in Hatyai district, Songkhla province. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire which had index of item-objective congruence (IOC) ranging from 0.67-1.00, KR-20 reliability of 0.82, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.84. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Phase 2: model development: the results of phase 1 were utilized to draft a model using focus group discussion. Instrument was issues of focus group discussion which had content validity ranging from 0.67-1.00. Phase 3: model evaluation: the samples were 40 student leaders. Instruments were a model and participation evaluation form which had reliability of 0.78. Data were analyzed using mean, standard diviation, and paired t test. Research results revealed that knowledge regarding control and prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever was at a high level (mean=18.42, SD=0.42). Student leaders’ attitude towards prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever was at a moderate level (mean=23.76, SD=1.67). Model of student leaders par- ticipation in prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever in context of urban community consisted of 4 main activities and 16 sub-activities. Mean score of student leaders participation after using a model (mean=3.19, SD=0.30) was statistically significantly higher than that of before the participation (mean=2.92, SD=0.23) (p=0.05). This model should be applied to awareness enhancement of self-performance of prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever among student leaders who are important workforce in disseminating the model for wider use.
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