The effect of an antibiotic automatic stop order policy in patients with urinary tract infections at Phatthalung hospital


  • Montatip Rungsil Phatthalung hospital
  • Pintusorn Klabkhun Student of Faculty of Pharmacy Siam University


automatic stop order, antibiotic automatic stop order, urinary tract infection


Objectives: To compare the duration of antibiotic therapy and the treatment outcome in urinary tract infection inpatients between pre- and post- antibiotic automatic stop order policy implementation period.
Methodology: A retrospective cohort study in urinary tract infection inpatients at Phatthalung hospital. Compare the duration of antibiotic therapy and the treatment outcome between 2 study groups of patients, namely Group1: Pre-antibiotic automatic stop order policy (Pre-ASO), Group2: Post-antibiotic automatic stop order policy (Post-ASO). The study results were analyzed by Mann-whitney U-test statistic for comparing the average number of antibiotic usage dates between 2 study groups, and also were analyzed by Chi-square test for comparing the treatment result between 2 study groups.
Results: The total participants were 280 patients which were divided into 140 patients in each study group. The results showed that the average number of antibiotic usage dates in the Post-ASO group was less than the average dates in the Pre-ASO group (5.22±2.166 vs 6.09±2.757 p-value = 0.002). However, the treatment result of both study groups did not show significant differences (Post-ASO 168(98.8%) vs Pre-ASO 169(99.44%) p-value = 0.562)
Conclusion: Post-antibiotic automatic stop order policy reduces the duration of antibiotic therapy in urinary tract infection patients without the impact on the treatment outcome.

Author Biography

Montatip Rungsil, Phatthalung hospital

M.Sc. (In Clinical Pharmacy)


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How to Cite

Rungsil M, Klabkhun P. The effect of an antibiotic automatic stop order policy in patients with urinary tract infections at Phatthalung hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2022Jan.9 [cited 2024Jul.18];26(2). Available from:



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