Effectiveness of Medication Reconciliation in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Internal Medicine Clinic at Inburi Hospital
type 2 diabetes mellitus, anti-diabetes drugs, medication reconciliationAbstract
Background: There were only 35.03 percent of diabetics mellitus patients at Inburi hospital who could control their sugar levels. Therefore, the process of medication reconciliation was used as a helping tool to lower the patient's blood sugar levels.
Objectives: To compare the fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C levels of type 2 diabetic patients who had received medication reconciliation with those who had not received medication reconciliation.Method: A retrospective cohort study in outpatients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes attending a medical clinic between July 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021. A sample consisted of 929 patients: a study group, i.e., 542 patients who had received at least one medication reconciliation and a control group, i.e.,387 patients who had not received medication reconciliation. Data were collected from the medical record program and medication reconciliation program and were analyzed statistically by frequencies, percentages, means and Fisher's exact test.
Results: The fasting blood sugar levels of the study group and the control group were in the range of 131 to 170 mg/dL (28.4 % and 35.4 %, respectively). Their range was classified as a non-strict treatment goal. However, the proportion of patients in the study group who were in the very-strict treatment goal was statistically significantly higher than the control group (p=0.024). The mean of hemoglobin A1C levels was 7.7 % in the study group and 7.6 % in the control group. There was no difference in hemoglobin A1C levels between the two groups.
Conclusion: Medication reconciliation could be another factor in lowering the type 2 diabetic patient 's fasting blood sugar level and reaching the intended treatment goal.
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