Pharmaceutical Care in HIV and AIDS Patients at Si Chaing Mai Hospital


  • Kamolrat Na Nongkhai Pharmacy Department, Nongkhai Hospital


pharmaceutical care, HIV, AIDS


Background: HIV infected and AIDS patients require life-long antiretroviral therapy to reduce morbidity and mortality and patients must adhere to medication.

Objective: This research aimed to study level of drug adherence and CD4 cell counts in HIV and AIDS patients before and after provided the pharmaceutical care and patients' drug related problems.

Method: A descriptive retrospective study on HIV infected and AIDS patients receiving treatment at an antiretroviral drug clinic, Sri Chiang Mai Hospital between January 2020 and August 2022, a total of 107 cases . Data were collected from patient medical records and pharmaceutical care records. General data, the level of drug adherence, drug related problems, adverse drug reactions and CD4 cell counts were analyzed by frequency and percentage. The level of drug adherence and CD4 cell counts before and after pharmaceutical care were analyze by using The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test.

Result: The results found that the level of antiretroviral drug adherence after pharmaceutical care increased with statistic significantly (p-value<0.05). The most frequently founded drug related problems was noncompliance 48 times (44.03 %), followed by adverse drug reactions 44 times (40.37%) patients missed appointments 10 times (9.17 percent). 105 drug related problems (96.33%) were resolved by the pharmaceutical care process. The CD4 cell counts after pharmaceutical care increased with statistic significantly (p-value<0.05).

Conclusion: The pharmaceutical care increased patient medication adherence, resolved drug-related problems and provided patients with better treatment outcomes.

Author Biography

Kamolrat Na Nongkhai , Pharmacy Department, Nongkhai Hospital

B.Sc. Pharmacy


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How to Cite

ณ หนองคาย ก. Pharmaceutical Care in HIV and AIDS Patients at Si Chaing Mai Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2023Sep.26 [cited 2025Mar.7];29(3):153-64. Available from: