The Outcomes of HIV Care Intervention by Pharmacist


  • Watinee Bunyarath Pharmacy Department, Nongbualumphu Hospital
  • Arisara Chansrisuriyawong Pharmacy Department, Nongbualumphu Hospital


HIV, pharmacist, medication therapy management, differentiated care


Background: A HIV care model development had been applied from Medication Therapy Management (MTM) incorporating with Differentiated Care Services delivery. The main goals were viral load suppression, increasing CD4 level, reducing complications or comorbidities and encouraging retention in HIV care continuously for their whole lives.

Objective: To assess outcome of HIV care model for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIVs) by pharmacist.

Method: We conducted a retrospective study on newly diagnosed PLHIVs in Outpatient Department (OPD) in the fiscal year 2020 by comparing treatment outcomes before and after the development of HIV care model. Before this model development, all newly diagnosed PLHIVs had been monitored by physicians every 6 months. After the model implementation, newly diagnosed stable PLHIVs were referred for monitoring every 3 months until complete 12 months by pharmacists without doctor visit. MTM had been applied for drug dispensing and medication refill for PLHIVs.

Result: 26 eligible PLHIVs were recruited for the study. The result indicated that virally suppressed PLHIVs (< 50 copies/ml) increased from 76.92% to 84.62% and Antiretroviral drugs adherence from 98.06% to 99.81%, not significantly different (p > 0.05). Average numbers of CD4 were increased significantly from 403.77 to 506.58 cells/mm3 (p < 0.05). The waiting time was significantly decreased 84.30 minutes (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: The outcome showed that all recruited PLHIVs were clinically stable, with no additional opportunistic infections and ARV adherence more than 95%. Numbers of virally suppressed PLHIVs (VL < 50 copies/ml) were not different after the new model implementation. Moreover, they had improved immune response and waiting time during in the hospital was shortened.

Author Biographies

Watinee Bunyarath, Pharmacy Department, Nongbualumphu Hospital

M. Pharm.

Arisara Chansrisuriyawong, Pharmacy Department, Nongbualumphu Hospital

M. Pharm.


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How to Cite

บุญญรัตน์ ว, จันทร์ศรีสุริยวงศ์ อ. The Outcomes of HIV Care Intervention by Pharmacist. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2023Aug.3 [cited 2024Jul.23];29(2):131-42. Available from:



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