Incidence and Characteristics of Adverse Drug Reactions of Favipiravir among COVID-19 Patients at Sisaket Hospital


  • Ketsupa Ponlapong Pharmacy Department, Sisaket Hospital
  • Nichaporn Katasila Pharmacy Department, Sisaket Hospital


favipiravir, adverse drug reaction, intensive monitoring program


Background: Favipiravir, a newly approved drug for Covid-19 treatment , had conditional approval. Due to limited safety information, healthcare professionals are required to adhere to an intensify safety monitoring program (SMP) for this drug.

Objectives: This study aims to investigate the incidence and characteristics of adverse drug reactions of favipiravir among COVID-19 patients at Sisaket Hospital

Methods: Follow up of adverse reactions from favipiravir in diagnosed with COVID-19, non-severe patients , aged 18 years and over who received the drug at least 5 days between November 2021 to March 2022 in a total of 200 cases via phone calls . Data were recorded in the data collection form and analyzed with descriptive statistics.

Results: The mean age of the subjects was 37.6±16.22 years, 63% of them were female. Adverse reactions were observed in 11 patients (5.5%). The most commonly adverse reactions were gastrointestinal intolerance, such as loss of appetite in 4 patients (2.0%), nausea/vomiting in 3 patients (1.5%). Other adverse reactions included hair loss, headache, myalgia and skin rash (0.5% for each).

Conclusions: Incidence of adverse reactions of favipiravir in non–severe COVID-19 patients were found in about 5%, most of which were mild gastrointestinal symptoms and they demonstrated complete recovery upon discontinuation of the drug.

Author Biographies

Ketsupa Ponlapong, Pharmacy Department, Sisaket Hospital


Nichaporn Katasila, Pharmacy Department, Sisaket Hospital



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How to Cite

พลพงษ์ เ, กตะศิลา ณ. Incidence and Characteristics of Adverse Drug Reactions of Favipiravir among COVID-19 Patients at Sisaket Hospital. Thai J Clin Pharm [Internet]. 2023Sep.26 [cited 2024Dec.5];29(3):143-52. Available from: